To TOT mall and back

Posted: May 1, 2011 in Cycling

So, this morning I went for cycling with Mantri. I got up at 6.00 AM sharp and within 40 mins, we were ready to roam on the roads of Noida. We started from Aditya Mall, took the NH-24 underpass and went till TOT mall. TOT mall is like 5 Kms away from Aditya mall. On one of the roads, we got chased by the stray dogs. I sped up while Mantri slowed down and eventually got down from the cycle. This somehow pacified the dogs. Anyway, the sun had come up by the time we started, so within half an hour of driving it had started to become a bit unbearable. On the way back to Aditya Mall, I drove Cheeri’s cycle and let me tell you it was a treat to ride on his bicycle. It was smooth and ran fast with least efforts. Mantri on the other hand, was dying on my cycle. Mine is pretty old and doesn’t run fast. However, in comparison with normal cycles mine is still good. I would go to babas and ask him about adjusting the gear system. So, all in all I covered around 10 Kms today. I was thoroughly tired after the drive, came straight to my room and slept for 5 hours or so. When I woke up, I was still damn tired. But I really liked it. In fact, I liked it so much that I want to spend on buying a new cycle than a new iPod. A cycle seems like a better investment than iPod. For music, I have cell phone, laptop and speakers. I have to spend two years in a MBA college. I would anyway need a cycle. It would be great to have a racing bike to explore 2100 acres of IITKgp campus. Riding a cycle is not just good for health but can also turn into an amazing hobby.I hope I make it into Kgp.

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